Maybe Matts Miracle by Tammy Falkner
Maybe Matt’s Miracle by Tammy Falkner
Book Four of The Reed Brother Series
“You in love with me yet?” ~Matt
Good God Man – give her a chance!!
I haven’t read the other books in this series but they are now downloaded and read to go, because if Matt is anything to go by this group of sexy assed brothers are going to keep me company for a while!
The book revolves around Matthew (Matt) Reed and the object of his affections- Skylar Morgan. Matt hasn’t had it easy – but is one of life’s survivors having battled and beaten cancer. Having lived through that, he takes no prisoners when fate takes him by the hand and places him beside Skylar at his friend’s funeral. Knowing that you only get one shot in life– he is not about to waste his opportunity and what his heart wants, he goes for – this time it is Skylar.
Skylar is from a privileged background but has never felt like she really belonged – brought up by nannies and staff she was always an afterthought to her folks but when her father approaches her for assistance she finds his request to be the last thing she could have imagined.
Having fathered and illegitimate child years before, her father has had to endure the fact that his lovers daughter has now passed away. Leaving 3 children without a parent – his request to Skylar – Don’t let them go into care – Please help me by being the Mum they need?
A tall order I thought or a tough ask but a subject that is not the norm for this genre but it did stop me in my tracks to think what I would do if confronted by the same situation and I asked myself – could I do what she did ( good books always make you look at the world around you – it is good for the soul) see where she was coming from – because who would stand by and watch a these children be torn apart when they had already lost the one constant thing in their lives – their mother.
Skylar becomes the newbie mother to Seth (16), Joey (5) and Mellie (3), all the while trying to come to terms with the fact that her father had another family and the half-sister she never knew is now dead. Not knowing the first thing about how to be a proper family or what she should be doing – she finds the concept of motherhood daunting but when she meets the kids the bond is instant and she loves them immediately.
Matt knew Skylar’s half-sister from the hospital – they were in treatment together for their respective cancers and through her he also knew the kids – he quickly becomes Skylar’s go to guru when it comes to the kids and on more than one occasion – he saves her bacon. Family takes work and this is not something she is shy of but it is not easy for her – she needs his guidance.
Being with the children and Matt makes her realise that she now has something that she has never had before – a sense of belonging- a family.
Matt knows instantly that he wants her and doesn’t hold back when he quickly warns her;
“I’m going to make you fall in love with me,”
Nothing like being confident.
Their time together is described beautifully and an old fashioned courtship of sort of ensues. The connection between the pair of them is so strong; they are two halves of the one whole.
But Skylar has baggage that she needs to shed and Matt is relentless. My only question was whether the two of them would stop long enough to take a breath to see what they had together and make it work – the pace was relentless.
The whole book was a jugger-naught of good old fashioned romance, with a massive serving of sugar thrown into the mix – and there is nothing wrong with that in this case. It is nice to see the good guy/girl get the happy ending sometimes.
But I must say that I was blown away by the Reed brothers and the family bond that they had – the interaction between them could have been taken straight from a text of any typical night in a large family – the banter and rhetoric was fascinating.
A lovely story, that galloped along at a vast rate of knots and left nothing but happiness in its wake.