In Love with a Master by Jason Luke


In Love with a Master by Jason Luke


The first book in this series “Interview with a Master” was quite simply extraordinary – it unleashed a demon and gave women a peek into the male physic that many books had tried and failed to fulfil in the past. It was as if Jonah was the man that could read their thoughts. It gave hope that with understanding came potential.

Men and Women are two sides of the same coin, seeking self-gratification in whatever guise and willing to disperse the recriminations wherever possible. The thunderstorm that “Interview with a Master” created was well placed and completely justified but left the world calling for more – could the inimitable Mr Luke further narrow the gap between what we desire and what we deserve.

In this we get to see just what Jonah Noble has left to give the world and what the world has in store for him.

Jonah and Leticia deserved a second book – so much was left open that I felt, no actually I needed to see Jonah open himself up to the chance of love. alien as that concept was to him.

The story is a direct pick up from the end of book one and there is no let-up in its intensity. Jonah has nothing to gain and therefore nothing to lose by embarking on a relationship with Leticia but he wants to live his life without regret and failing to have the opportunity to feel love would be a regret so monumental that even the enigmatic Jonah Noble couldn’t shy away.

Committed to his path, the beautifully broken Jonah leads not only Leticia but himself on a journey that neither of them will ever recover from.

It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all” – that is the old adage that is banded around in society but with Jonah – he doesn’t do love – he consumes and Leticia is more than willing to share that side of him in the hope that one day he will love her.

The connection between the two of them is complete – whether Jonah is prepared to admit it or not but there is darkness lurking that in many ways is insurmountable. Jonah is an open book – and when the extent of the betrayal he has been subject to comes to light it is a devastating blow to them both. My heart grieved for him at that point – he deserved none of the pain that had been inflicted on him.

Events take on a life of their own from that moment and circumstances are both complicated and swift but the book handles both with dignity and discretion.

I love the way the author lulls us the reader into Jonah’s world and completely encapsulates some of the primary questions that differentiate between men and women – we really are that simple if we just open our eyes and look at the bigger picture. This book forces you to open your eyes and for that the author can only be commended. The descriptive narrative is fluent and forthcoming, bringing everything to life right there on the page, if you so desired you could analyse your relationship through the eyes of Jonah Noble and who is to say what you may discover?

Fiction author or self-help guru– Jason Luke is unparalleled in style and I wait with baited breath of his next work.