by Nikki Rae
A new to me author and a story that grab me by the throat from the very start and never let up.
Elliot and Fawn are complicated but captivating characters and Fawn’s past is far from ordinary, having been given to the Grim Order when she was nothing more than a child, she has learnt that life isn’t always sweetness and light, if at all. But at the age of 19 she has moved on, no not out of the clutches of the Order but on to another Master. I was at odds with the terminology and what she had been through but by the time I finished the book, I totally got where the author was coming from…this is more complicated than you would probably imagine, so stick with Fawn and in turn also with her new Master…Master Lyon ( Elliot).
Elliot was totally against the grain, not at all the sort of man that Fawn thought he would be and that brought its own sense of c0onfliction, she had to trust someone in life but could that someone be Elliot?
Well let’s just say there are further books to come so don’t take everything at face value because by the time the end of the story rolled around, I was totally gobsmacked…WTF!
Fawn was a great character and, in many respects, so was Elliot but not all was as it seemed so bear that in mind because it wasn’t just tantalising, nope it was explosive! I was totally oblivious to just where the author was taking me, I honestly didn’t see the twist in the tale until it was right in my face!
Topic: Bloom by Nikki Rae
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