End Game by Emersyn Vallis
Well this was an end game to end all end games and the author brought the series to a conclusion with a humdinger of a book.
The story was completely engaging, totally confusing but highly addictive. There were so many twists and turns that at times it was impossible to know which way was up!
I love the way this author writes, the totality with which she is not only willing but able to bring events and characters full circle.
Each characters had their time in the light, none of them were secondary so to speak, they all had a part to play in the story and as the end game drew to a conclusion each of them slipped into place.
This was a cleverly creative, the friendships that were formed and explored were dynamic, the tone of the work and the expressiveness of not just the characters but their vocabulary will hold you hostage.
I can honestly say that of the series this was my favourite book, it gave me mystery, it gave me closure, it gave me characters that I didn’t want to say goodbye too and all that within the confines of a story that is completely original. You played your cards close to your chest Ms Vallis and out foxed me, I couldn’t see where the ending was coming from and there were more than a few spanners along the way
Super work Ms Vallis. You are on my one click radar now, I look forward to seeing what you have tucked up your sleeve
Topic: End Game by Emersyn Vallis
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