Harper's Wish
by Krista Ames
This is a great lunchtime read, the sort of book that you will be able to easily devour in just one sitting, because at just over 40 pages it will quickly slip through your fingers.
The characters were fairly well established, despite the fact that the author gave herself such a short time frame with which to work within, but kudos to her for delivering characters that were able to engage me as a reader so early on.
The story is about Harper as I am sure you will have deduced from the title and being a Christmas novella, you already have an inkling of where this story is headed from the get-go.
At only 24, family is something that has eluded her since the death of her parents when she was a child and a family Christmas- well what would she know about that, she has no recollection of what it is like to enjoy the most magical time of the year, enveloped in the bosom of a family that adore her.
This year, this strong independent woman wants nothing more than to have what others take for granted, she wants a family around her for Christmas. Not much to ask for then Harper!
So when Santa’s post box is established unexpectedly in the reception of the post office where she works, she is dismissive of the ability of the man in red to deliver what she wants.
A little faith Harper!!!
I liked the way the story was written, it didn’t hide behind gimmicks, the wordsmanship was strong and the emotion that was infused was powerful.
This was a delightful read, you know what you are getting from the story almost from the first chapter ,in that there is no shock but the journey to the end is one that you will be glad you took.
Topic: Harper's Wish by Krista Ames
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