Last Hope by Jen Frederick and Jessica Clare

Rafe and Ava brought to life a smoulderingly sexy story to my kindle screen and while some bits niggled me, I have to say that overall I really enjoyed the story.
Stranded together in the jungle, they have no option to rely on each other.
Although in all honesty I fully expected it to be Rafe that kept the two of them safe – because after all what else would you expect from a mercenary hitman - I mean come on, Ava is a hand model- how much is she going to be helping him out?
I hold my hands up in defeat because I was mistaken because Ava was a kick ass woman, who balked at nothing.
But Rafe was the sort of man that you would conjure up for yourself if you were considering who you would want to be stranded in a remote location with. He was the consummate hero.
The book has a fairly tangible element of suspense that is creatively woven through the inevitable sexual tension and drama.
Their environment was challenging enough for the two of them but Rafe had other things on his mind and a mission that he was itching to complete but during the course of their time together, his views and opinions seem to shift.
Is his mission the most important thing in his life anymore? Or does he need to take a long hard look at how he feels about Ava and decide what path he needs to take and he will need to tread carefully!!
I liked the story, I liked the characters, I just missed something and I dint know if I can put my finger on what that was exactly.
They book as superbly written and it certainly keeps you on your toes with the twists and turns that snake through the story but the sexual tension and innuendo was maybe where I had my hiccup.
It was all consuming in a way and that didn’t ring true, I found Rafe’s lack of experience and the childish and constant references to his impressive size, had me ready to lay the story down at one point.
With everything that was going on around them, I wanted then to take their minds out of their pants a little longer!
Topic: Last Hope by Jen Frederick and Jessica Clare
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