Lost Fallen Angel
by London Casey
Just five stars …are you kidding me there has to be some button somewhere that will allow me to bestow a darn sight more than that on this, it is superb!!
From the beginning it is impossible…and I do mean absolutely, totally impossible not to get sucked right in to the story, I was captive, yes and that is what I wanted to write…captive, I daren’t put it down, I had to read it all…and it was a late night well spent!
Max isn’t everything he appears to be and neither is his story.
The life he leads isn’t conducive to affairs of the heart but there is something about the young girl that witnesses his indiscretions one night that I think he knew might come back to roost one day.
Little did he know how that thought would play out.
Jade saw what Max did that night but when he took her face in his hand and kissed her, her fifteen-year-old brain could barely compute what was going on, he was dangerous that she knew and in the blink of an eye he was also gone! And he wasn’t coming back anytime soon, you see he ended up the one place he didn’t want to go, serving time but that was of his own doing! (read the book, you will see what I mean)
Life for Jade was far from easy, living with a father that was as abusive as hers was never going to be a pretty thing to read but she was a tough girl but she had to be. It isn’t until Max, is out of jail an d fully embedded into the MC that they come in contact again…the only question on both their lips is why are they both there?
Max knows what he is doing but no-one else does but what is Jade doing? Well, that is the question and all I wanted to know was just how far Max was willing to go to find out?
Jade has her reasons for being where she is but they are not ones that she will ever share and Max is certain that he isn’t going to like what’s going on with her when he does find out.
But he has to know what she is up to and more importantly, to him anyway is why? Far from waiting to be felled by whatever it is, he sets about at full vigour to find out what the heck is going on and uses every resource at his disposal to do so. When it comes to Jade there is something there that he cannot ignore: He sees her, the whole of her for some reason, there is something that just seems to connect the pair of them but he doesn’t like the air of mischief and the glint of mystery that he can see in her eyes…she is up to something, but what?
I liked this dynamic between the two of them, the aloof relationship that they had, the stalkerish tendencies that Max was willing to go to, to ensure that he had all the information he needed but I also like the fact that that first kiss still sort of bonded them together, so it was great to see that no matter how hard he might have wanted to make things different, the more he got to know about Jade, the more he wanted to know and I think we all know where that was heading!
So how much more to say????
I am torn here because I could write on for ages about the connection they had and the events that plagued them, the decisions they had to make and the ones that were made for them but I don’t want to give anything away, the story would never forgive me and I don’t think you would either.
What I will say is that they both have decisions to make that are critical and for each of them those decisions are not only life altering but life threatening too. Can they find a way to have their cake and eat it or will the cruel life that surrounds them swallow them up and spit them out?
Topic: Lost Fallen Angel by Lodon Casey
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