Mosquito Chase by Jaycee Ford


You can read this as a standalone novel but I really would strongly suggest that you give the other books a read first. While the book is more than able to hold up to being a standalone, I don’t know that you would get the feel for all the characters if you haven’t read the other books.

Angela is one tough cookie, but she has gotten herself into a bit of a tight spot, not by choice I might add, she is a victim of being in the wrong place at the wrong time but that does nothing to wipe her of the cartel’s most wanted list and because of that she turns to the only person she can trust to help her…despite the fact that she hates the sight of him and she knows the feeling is mutual. Angela  hates the fact that she has had to return to town, that she has to look out for herself in this way but Caleb really is her only chance at protecting herself.

Caleb may be the upstanding law officer but that doesn’t mean that he hasn’t got the mortal fortitude of an alley cat. While the town have always been liberal with their colourful language when it comes to Angela and her nocturnal habits, Caleb hasn’t exactly been leaving much room on his bedpost either!

Caleb leaves nothing on the table, he is such a man’s man that it was nice to see him open himself to Angela, despite the fact that they had to chip away at all the obstacles that were piled up in front of them in order to finally see what was blatantly obvious. The woman he came to see underneath all that bravado wasn’t at all what he had anticipated and the ice that appeared to be ever present began to thaw.

The whole plot was really well written, there was at least one occasion where the events had me shaking my head and wondering if I had actually read it right – sometimes characters really do take on a life of their own and it appears that there is no logic to their actions, I could have given Caleb a seriously swift kick at times.

But when he wakes up and smells the coffee I do have to say that there is nothing that he would not do for those that own his heart, when he loves he is ALL IN.

I liked the pace and lilt of the book, the secondary character content and the fact that not everything was perfect – it was realistic, they did what they had to do in order to keep what they held dear. But when it all comes to ahead, there was only ever going to be one outcome and I was happy about that.

I must also say that I found the epilogue enthralling – overall a very enjoyable read.