by Danielle Norman
A well worded and engaging romp about Leo, an engaging, chopsy woman and her super smart guy, Ian.
Leo lives her life surrounded by everything that she wants, she thrives in her job as a mechanic, happiest when she is elbow deep in motor grease and spare parts but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want all the girly things in life too and that includes a boyfriend that will always be there for her and in Ian she has just that because they have been friends since they were kids.
Ian is the smart guy in town, the handsome rocket scientist that lives life strictly by the rules but with Leo he may find out that sometimes you just have to step outside the boundaries that are there for no particular reason …and on other occasions when it comes to the boundaries, well all bets are off.
You would have thought that as friends they might have eventually seen that they had a chance at more but that never seemed to happen until fate stepped in, an initial spark of interest was lit when they were both at the same wedding, but it wasn’t until Leo finds herself caught up in a police investigation and under subsequent house arrest that they finally get their act together. But as fast as that change in their lives started out it was brought to an abrupt halt when it becomes blatantly obvious that someone is doing their utmost to set her up.
I thought the facts of the story were pieced together beautifully, the mix of romance and mystery was spot on.
The angst was pitched perfectly but cleverly tempered with a sharp sense of humour that was rife throughout the book.
I would really encourage you to give this a try, I have no doubt you will adore Ian and his super analytical brain, one that knew very quickly that he had met a woman that was his perfect challenge, his perfect compliment and his soul mate.
The story is a speedy read, it flows well, although at times I did find that it was galloping along a little too fast, these are characters that you won't be able to let out of your sight, so settle in for the night!
Topic: Often by Danielle Norman
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