On the Rocks by Jade C Jamison
I’ll admit now that I am sorry to be saying goodbye to this series, jumping on the bandwagon so to speak with Kyle and the rest of the band has been a far from ordinary ride.
Of the series I would say that this has been my favourite book, it bore more of a meaning for me and carried more of a message.
We have walked alongside Kyle as she has grown, succeeded, experienced and at times failed in all things rock and roll but above everything else, she has survived it all , she has lived through the highs and lows and after the cliff-hanger at the end of book two, this is her chance to round her story off, in style.
Now, finally she is Kyle, playing life to the beat of her own drum, doing what she wants and needs to make her career the one that she has been aiming for all along…hers
I loved the fact that she stood tall and strong and after everything she had been through, she was her own woman.
What I didn’t like was the fact that her and CJ still hadn’t sorted out what the heck was going on, they really made me mad at times in as much as I wanted them to be happy, to have the happy ever after and it seemed as if they weren’t even on the same page…I just wanted to scream at them to get on with it please, once and for all!!!
CJ was the man for her but neither of them seemed to be able to see the wood for the trees when it came to the blatantly obvious – their relationship no matter how hit and miss it was, it was most definitely a relationship!
I loved the fact that some of the previous characters appeared in the book especially the guys from the Last Five Seconds but what made the book for me was the fact that Kyle was prepared to fight for her what she held dearest and for her music to be taken seriously, no longer the plastic pop music that of the past, now it was all her.
The book had all the drama I could have possible hoped for and then some but I was grateful for the way that the author wrapped it up, bringing all the pieces together and giving me a chance to take a deep breath and smile.
Topic: On the Rocks by Jade C Jamison
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