Riot Rules
by Callie Hart
There is no better way to start the new year than with a copy of Riot Rules in your hand, it was nothing like I expected, and I say this as a good thing!
Ms Hart is the master of drawing you in and then spitting you back out with a reminder that neither she nor her characters are done with you yet!
The story was engaging, it was intelligent but most of it was riveting.
Time and time again I flipped the pages almost afraid of what I was going to find, reluctant as to whether I was going be able to deal with the emotion that seemed to seep from the page…it was exquisite torture.
I liked Carina, eventually, I didn’t think I would but once the dynamic between her and Dash hit its stride, I was totally sold on the pair of them, although they didn’t make it easy for me…I felt as if they were fighting me all the way, they were happy in their world and wanted to make sure that I was willing to accept them for who they were before they let me in.
I would counsel on the fact that this is a complicated storyline, and you will need to keep your wits about you because the characters are not messing about, they keep the twists and turns coming at every available opportunity and it makes for a magnificent madness… and I am totally smitten!
Topic: Riot Rules by Callie Hart
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