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Speechless by Nicole Edwards
OMG, I love Hudson!
Both Hudson and Teague were characters that I needed to get a handle on. They had a fizzling passion that was ready to burst to life but I knew that taking the step from what they had lurking under the surface to a relationship was going to be an interesting read.
Teague was a livewire, although he was someone that has kept his past to himself. He had an amazing family that have always supported him but with Hudson on the scene he had a decision to make that was far from easy.
Hudson refused to allow his disability to define him, he might have been born mute but that didn’t mean that he would allow life to pass him by. In fact, he has kicked a** and continues to do so but other than his brother AJ, he has no-one to share what he has with, until the fabulous Teague piqued his interest. But will Teague be interested in what Hudson has to offer him?
I don’t believe that there is such a thing as no strings, logic goes right out the window when it is entwined with emotions, so I was intrigued to see where the two of them were headed.
The angst was well placed and beautifully conveyed in the story, the emotional conflict of opening your heart to the possibility of being hurt was hard for Teague to evaluate, he had been down that road before and despite the fact that Hudson had managed to get under his skin, he was in two minds as to what and how he was supposed to feel about it all.
I don’t want to dig too deep into the actual storyline because this pair are best experienced first-hand, the questions that surface for both of them because made me take a hard look at what they were going through and I thought it made their whole situation more poignant. They suffered for their love.
I liked the way the author played with the age difference between the two characters but I did think that had I been Teague, I might have had something to say about Hudson’s constant need to refer to him as a “kid”.
But I commend Ms Edwards again for a thoroughly entertaining and engaging read and as a predominantly MF reader, I hold my hands up and submit to the fact that this is a series that I cannot wait to get the next instalment of.
Topic: Speechless by Nicole Edwards
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