by Piper Lawson
This is an author I hadn’t actually heard of before and boy am I sorry about that now because this was quite simply brilliant, I laughed out loud so much it was verging on being shameful, I was only thankful that wasn’t turfed off the train!
I thought the characters were joyous, the made me laugh, the made me smile and most of all they made me believe the, this was like listening to a story that revolved around friends and I think that was entirely down to the quality of the writing.
This is an author that has writing humour down to a fine art, I mean I proper belly laughed so much that keeping a level of decorum in public was virtually impossible. But it wasn’t only the laughs that keep me entertained, the whole book was everything I wanted for a long journey, it engaged my brain, it gave me characters that I could relate to and it had me looking at the clock wondering just how much more I would be able to fit in before sleep finally got the better of me.
There were people that I didn’t want to part company with, their wonderfully romantic journey was filled with everything that a contemporary romance novel should have, it had a woman that I am quite certain I would have loved if I had met her in real life, Jordan was quite simply the perfect leading woman, yes she put her foot in her mouth on more than one occasion and made enough slip ups to tell me that like the rest of us she was far from perfect but she had a blatant awkwardness and a whole heap of self-doubt going on and while that isn’t exactly what you expect to praise someone on, I will because I thought her normalcy in its own right was quite charming, I thought it brought her to life and coupled with a razor sharp wit and a sarcasm that could cut those on the receiving end of it down to size without thinking, I think I want Jordan as a bestie.
Often on the receiving end of that tongue and wit was Ethan and oh good lord! While Jordan brought a smile to my face, I don’t know that I can actually adequately describe what Ethan was capable of, he was magnificent!!
Seriously the guy was deliciously attractive…smoking hot is probably a better description and while he was no stranger to the fairer sex, he definitely wasn’t one to take no for an answer, he had his mind set on who and what he wanted and no matter what she said, shaking him off was never an option, he was in it for the long haul…my only question was would they be in it together?
If you are looking for your next read, then you need look no further this is first class.
Topic: Styled by Piper Lawson
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