by Laramie Briscoe
Laramie Briscoe is a fairly new to me author, I didn’t find my way to her books until fairly recently but now I just don’t seem to be able to get enough…and this just solidifies everything I love about her writing style because there is nothing not to love about Nick & Kelsea.
The story was captivating, I was on the edge of my seat waiting for their story to reveal its secrets.
Nick, was from a loving family but his life wasn’t always easy, it was only after his adoption that things began to find purpose but that doesn’t mean that he has forgotten where he started in life and that also doesn’t mean that that hasn’t had an impact on him because even after everything he has in his life is taken into consideration, he still has trouble reconciling what impact where he came from has on the life he has now.
Kelsea, on the other hand, doesn’t have those same demons to conquer but she does have to deal with the fact that the guy she wants, the guy that she sees as her future is plagued by things that he cannot change and that means neither can she.
Will they work things out? Will Nick be able to deal with a case that brings up some memories that hit a little too close to home?
Will Kelsea be able to be the woman to stand by his side when the going gets tough or are there other forces at play here that are conspiring to keep the pair of them apart?
I had my fingers crossed that the two of them could make sense of the issues that seemed to plague the two of them. They were superb together, they had a fantastic connection, but their journey wasn’t easy, and I liked that the author gave them a story that was worth their while, one that was pertinent to them and wasn’t all fluff and nonsense…great work Ms. Briscoe!
Topic: Suppression by Laramie Briscoe
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