The Billionaire Boss Next Door

by Max Monroe

Off the bat brilliance, a funny romantic read that everyone should have on their to read list. Max Monroe have delivered an amazing start to what is bound to be another hit series, I mean come on ladies who doesn’t enjoy a good billionaire book?

As you can imagine with this being the first of the series it lays a lot of the groundwork, we get introduced to a lot of fabulous characters and I am hoping that many of them will appear in the upcoming stories.

This one though centre’s on the Greer and Trent, and their meeting was far from ordinary, in fact it took a while just to get to know who they both were but with a circle of besties that were sure they knew that they would be fabulous together, they didn’t really stand a chance.


I loved Greer from the get go, she was a woman who knew her own mind and didn’t mind letting everyone around her know what she was thinking either, she was totally unprofessional and had a proper potty mouth but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t thinks she was quite simply superb because she was, a total hoot.

Trent on the other hand wasn’t quite so easy to like straight away so to speak but he did grow on me and by the time he hit his stride, I was well and truly smitten.

Highly Recommended

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