The Braille Club Unbound by JA Kerr
I picked this up the second I finished the first book, my desire to see what the author was going to deliver next had me chomping at the bit.
I like the fact that the author keeps the flavour of the first book flowing, that the story wasn’t pitched for salaciousness, they story rung true and that for me was its absolute strength.
Yes, the story is romantic, but it was honest, it was realistic and the characters were completely believable. I like the fact that the author didn’t swamp the story with an erotic undertone that was unwarranted, no she was subtler than that, she gave the characters the opportunity to express that side of their lives and relationships and while she didn’t hold back on the heat she didn’t blow it out of all proportion either, she kept it real and that only added to the intensity.
Again the author drew me in by twisting my arm and opening the door to situations that through her descriptive overtures were not beyond the realms of my either my sensitivities or acceptability’s.
This is an author that knows how to weave an enticing tale and to not only hook you but to keep you hanging.
With book three pending I am more intrigued than ever and more anxious than I have been in a while, this is a series that is quickly becoming a firm favourite.
Topic: The Braille Club Unbound by JA Kerr
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