The Hail You Say
by Lani Lynn Vale
There is a tangible anguish that has been borne by each member of the Hail family and as each of the men get their story, that sadness is eked out even more, I don’t mean that in as much as their stories are sad, far from it, what I mean is that we get to piece another bit of the puzzle into what this family have been through and we get yet another piece of the mysterious Dante…and OMG, I cannot wait to get my hands on his book!!
Krisney and Reed had it all, everything that kids in love thing that they are going to have, yes, her folks may have thought he was no good for her but that became completely insignificant when the sins of her brother came to bear because the ramifications of that was still being felt by all a decade on. The pain that those events wielded on both families were devastating and as much as that forced the two of them apart, it wasn’t able to erase the feelings that they not only had but still bore for each other, this was a couple that belonged together…life just happened to get in the way.
I liked Reed, I liked that he was a man of principle, no matter how misguided at times that, that principle appeared to be. He continually put other before himself and that was frustratingly admirable. Because despite the fact that his heart had never truly let Krisney go, he continued to stay just out of heart…his heart must have been aching because as hard as it was to read, I can barely imagine what it must have been like to put yourself through that.
Krisney had the strength of a thousand women, she fought hard for what she not only had but what she wanted but she also was bright enough to realise what she couldn’t have, it didn’t mean she had to like it, but she stood tall. And whilst it was her resilience and her inner strength that spoke volumes, it was her heart that took centre stage. This was a woman with a beautiful soul.
From that watershed moment, I was secretly pleading with the author to give them the happy ending that they deserved, to let them have the life they had gone a decade without, they hadn’t lived without each other, they had existed and they both deserved better…I should have worried not because this was Lani Lynn Vale and there is no-one that writes a story the way she does.
Topic: The Hail You Say by Lani Lynn Vale
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