Through Her Eyes by Ava Harrison
I finished this book, with a feeling that I had experienced something more than I could have every possibly anticipated and after a whole day of contemplating what exactly to write I am still not sure that I have laid it all to rest in my head.
The story is not just a journey it is an experience, it is a walk alongside a lost, broken woman as she finds her place in the world, her reason to breath and her willingness to try.
It is a look at what it takes to be yourself, to accept that flaws and all you need to find the strength to put your feet on the floor each and every morning and fight for your place in the world... it may not be easy but nothing worth having ever is, without a fight.
Aria has one battle to win and that was the one that she was waging with herself. The author drew me the most beautiful pictures with her words and took me on the most astonishing journey with Aria but it was the characterisation of this beautiful woman that held my hand and kept my attention completely absorbed.
I hoped that tagging along with Chase would open her eyes to all the beauty that the world has to offer and at first it appeared as sf my wishes had been granted but as I should have suspected they were both harbouring enough secrets to since a battleship, let alone a fledging friendship. When eventually those weights break free and the secrets are no longer hidden, I wasn’t surprised that Aria retreated and shrouded herself with a despair that was almost palpable through the page.
But was that were she was destined to remain?
I loved the twists and turns that the author heaped up the page, the story didn’t just ebb and flow it coursed forcibly, this found its way like a force of nature and it forged ahead regardless.
I thought I had swathes of it worked out but was delighted to discover that I was mistaken, it is good to be brought back to earth with a bump!
I seriously would have to say that is you want a book that is going to give you the run-around this is it, it will run you through a gambit of emotions and leave you gasping for more, you will finish the book, bleary eyed but grateful. I found the story one that had me both laughing and crying in equal measure and promising that without fail that I will be checking out this author other works.
A solid, no scrub that, this is an exceptional read.
Topic: Through Her Eyes by Ava Harrison
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