by Katie McCoy
The second of the Rascal’s men to get their time in the spotlight and even though we met both Chase and Kelsey in book one, you could technically read this as a standalone story, although I would suggest that you give book one a try, you will not be disappointed.
I knew off the bat that I was going to like Chase and I wasn’t disappointed, I was however slightly more disconcerted with Kelsey, she was a little more insecure that I would have wanted her to be, I mean she had been seriously crushing on her a** of a boss for 4 years…WTF! Give it up sister!
Anyway, it all comes to a head in the most spectacular of evenings when she finally realises that if she wants to get her guys she is going to have to step up her game and in order to do that’s he is definitely going to need some assistance…well, they don’t come much better than Chase, but would he help her out or would this arrangement turn out to be the catalyst to something a little closer to home?
I liked that Chase was patient with Kelsey and took time to show her that she was everything he was telling her despite the past and her emotional baggage trying to scupper her progress. Eventually, she got with the program and it was then that their no strings attached agreement turned into a whole different ballgame.
Serial one-night stand man, Chase was a great character, he was happy in his own skin and oozed not just charm and sex appeal but also confidence, but it didn’t take long for him to see the other side of the coin and to realise that there was the opportunity of more with the ever so slightly naïve Kelsey. But did he want more?
A heartfelt read that brought a lot of home truths to the fore, I found the story illuminating in some respects but most of all I thought it was totally charming!
Topic: Wingman by Katie McCoy
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